Editorial Reviews

Following are snippets from editorial reviews. For the full review, please click on provided links.

" . . . a beautiful children’s book that will help children and grandparents who live a far distance from one another to keep in touch without sadness but with joy. . . ." MyShelf.com

"I liked the book that the grandma and grandpa made for the girl. My favorite part was the part about the moon and stars being the same moon and stars that grandma and grandpa see when they look out their window. It was really nice of them to make the book for the girl." Reviewed by Cayden (age 4) and Max (age 2) Aures and Mom for Reader Views.com (10/08) Reader Views Kids

". . . The book would likely be helpful for a child in a broken home where one parent lives a distance away or only has limited visitation rights. . . ."John L. Hoh, Jr. BookIdeas.com

". . . a special gift is given to Emily, one that will enable her to savor her memories by using her imagination and natural surroundings. It allows her to feel connected to her grandparents whenever she misses them. I love the fact that author Alayne Kay Christian is a “remote” grandmother, and that the story itself came from real experience. . . ." Posted by Bianca Schulze on October 18, 2008
The Children’s Book Review

". . . This award winning children’s book shows the special bond between grandchildren and grandparents and dealing with separation. . . ."

". . . ‘Butterfly Kisses for Grandma and Grandpa’ is not only heartwarming and encouraging for children separated by miles from their grandparents but can also be very helpful for children who are not able to be physically close to a parent also whether due to divorce, military service, or other reasons. . . ."
Faith Draper – Examiner.com Lansing
August 11th, 2010


What Readers are Saying

The following are snippets from Amazon reviews. For the full reviews please visit
Amazon.com Reviews 'Butterfly Kisses for Grandma and Grandpa'

Mary Kullman, MS, LCPC

". . . Alayne Kay Christian has beautifully brought together the importance of addressing and valuing a child's feelings, while at the same time bridging the distance between grandparent and grandchild. . . ."

". . . Emily is taught by her grandparents to use all the everyday experiences in nature to reconnect with them. This is such a simple concept, yet so profound. Since young children think in a very concrete way and love nature, this approach meets them at their level of understanding. . . ."

Jennifer Marquardt

This is a very sweet book.

". . . It has a neat concept in that, you get to read the book that the grandma in the story writes as well, so it's a book within a book. . . ."

". . . we have great fun giving each other our own butterfly kisses while we're reading it. I think the book engages my daughter's imagination and emotions and gives us a chance to explore a little bit of nature too. I have purchased the book as a gift for her grandparents because they liked it so much when they read it as well. I think it brought a tear to my mother's eye. . . ."

Susan S. Johnson, co-author "Grandloving: Making Memories with Your Grandchildren"

". . . Butterfly Kisses is a gem. It brought tears to my eyes when I first read it, . . ."

" . . . The concept of helping your grandchild use his imagination, memory and nature - the sun, flowers, leaves, rainbows, birds, frogs, stars and the moon - to keep close and remind you of each other is lovely.

Grandma Sue

" . . . This story is a nice warm one that discusses the impacts and warm fuzzies for the feelings Emily and lots of other kids have as they pack up to go home from grandma and grandpa's house. It is a great story to share grandparent to grandchild! . . ."

Grandma Sandy

" . . . It's a wonderful story to help keep family close together across the miles. I can't wait to snuggle up with my grandchild and read it together on her next visit! . . ."

Butterfly Kisses for Grandma and Grandpa is a recipient of the prestigious Mom's Choice Award Gold Medal for Children's Picture Books.

The Mom's Choice Awards honors excellence in family-friendly media, products and services. An esteemed panel of judges includes education, media and other experts as well as parents, children, librarians, performing artists, producers, medical and business professionals, authors, scientists and others.

A sampling of the panel members includes: Dr. Twila C. Liggett, Ten-time Emmy-winner, professor and founder of Reading Rainbow; Julie Aigner-Clark, Creator of Baby Einstein and The Safe Side Project; Jodee Blanco, New York Times Best-Selling Author; LeAnn Thieman, Motivational speaker and coauthor of seven Chicken Soup For The Soul books; Tara Paterson, Certified Parent Coach, and founder of the Mom's Choice Awards.

Parents and educators look for the Mom's Choice Awards seal in selecting quality materials and products for children and families.

Mom's Choice Awards
Copyright 2008 - Blue Whale Press
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Butterfly Kisses for Grandma and Grandpa is available at Amazon.com
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By Alayne Kay Christian illustrated by Joni Stringfield
Butterfly Kisses
for Grandma and Grandpa